Create New League

You will be the commissioner of this league, the only one allowed to take special administrative actions. (You do not have to be a member of the league to be commissioner. Only the league members make draft picks and compete.)


Members (minimum 2)

List the email addresses of the league members. Include yourself if you wish to participate. By default, the draft order will be chosen randomly; however, you can disable that by unchecking the "Randomize" box below. In the latter case, the draft order will match the order you list here.

Sports (minimum 3)

Draft Rounds

  • Must be at least the number of sports (so everyone can pick one team from each sport)
  • We recommend number of rounds = number of sports + 5 "flex" picks

Draft Timer

  • With 4-12 hour settings, timer is off midnight to 8am EST
  • Auto-pick should occur within an hour after timeout

OTC Emails

By default, we will send email to each league member when they are on the clock (OTC). They can unsubscribe to these emails if they wish. You can also opt out of OTC emails for the entire league by unchecking this option.